Friday, January 07, 2005

So I saw Garden State...

...and I was pretty disappointed. The original trailer made it look like the best movie in the world but the film itself was pretty blah.

The actings good, the characters are pretty well realized and there were some funny moments. But nothing really happens. This movie is just Zach Braff wandering around in a daze, while Natalie Portman fawns over him and everyone gives their musings on life. The film has no momentum. It's a duck. It's a pooped parrot.

The most interesting part is when the three main characters go on a journey which ends on the edge of an abyss (which they scream into. I get the symbolism, already). That section had at-least a goal.

Ahhh, what a letdown. At least I have this to look forward too.


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