Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Crushes on fictional characters

Ahhh, finally I can sit down and write a post. It's been a busy week, striking out on my own here, but I'm loving every minute of it. However, I don't feel like writing about my work or anything really serious. Let's talk about crushes (or "sunflowers" for my midwestern friends). Specifically crushes on fictional characters. I hope my beautiful wife doesn't mind me talking about this. (It's not like I'm going to get together with any of these girl after all.)

My first real crush, the first time I felt the pangs of affection, was on a fictional character: Princess Amanda. I was ten-years-old at the time. That's her, slaying the dragon in the picture below.

She was a character in a wonderful book, Tales of the Kingdom which was an allegory of Christianity. Unlike most modern Christian fantasy, this remains one of the more lovely and skillfully written books I've ever read. I still pull it out and read a chapter or two every now-and-then. And when I was eleven I really had feelings for Amanda, one of the main characters. I remember thinking that it was kind-of sad being in love with a person that only existed in fantasy. Needless to say, it didn't last. (An interesting side note: My first crush on a real girl was purely because I thought her name was Amanda -- a sort-of real life incarnation of Princess Amanda, I assumed. It came as a shock when I learned her name wasn't Amanda. It's nice to remember how deep I was.)

Moving on, another young crush (and a less-obscure one) was on some girl named Tami Stronach - better known as The Childlike Empress from The Neverending Story.

I always thought Lana Lang was cute. If I was Superman I would've gone for her instead of Lois.

And while we're in the Superman universe, when the right artist was drawing Supergirl I was smitten. But with Supergirl it definitely depended on the artist. With her it went from attraction to feeling repulsed, depending on who was at the drawing board.

(While we're on the subject, probably my wierdest crush ever was on a lady who did the voice-over for a radio commercial. I was about nine and every night I'd listen to the radio program, Adventures in Odyssey while I went to sleep. During the program a commercial would regularly air, narrated by a missionary women, asking for financial aid for starving African children. "Your donation can bring these children life," she said in a rich foreign accent. I can still hear her right now. I have no idea why I liked her... But I did. And speaking of Adventures in Odyssey, for those of you who listen to the show, I used to have a crush on Lucy Cunningham-Schultz. Yes, I'm serious. Don't worry, those two are about as weird as it gets.)

Modern-day fictional-crushes?

1) Renee Zellweger as Nurse Betty.
2) Dawn Tinsley from The Office
3) Elizabeth from the Pride & Prejudice TV Series
4) Eowyn from the Lord of the Rings (when she's not all intense).

Okay, now that I've fully embarrassed myself it's your turn. What fictional characters have you fallen for? I know for a fact that my sisters always liked Tramp from Lady and the Tramp so I'm pretty confident that I'm not alone in this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, young man, no more Adventures in Odyssey for YOU! Ha, this post cracked me up so bad, especially because of my rich memories of you wandering around our house in your own little world, always chewing on and stretching out the collars of your t-shirts.
I have a huge crush on Ricky Riccardo, which is really Freudian, because he reminds me alot of Papa when he was young. There was this one scene I love of him really wailing on the bongos, and his slacked back hair breaks loose on his forehead, and Ay, Caramba!
I got a big time crush on both Marcellus and Demetrius in "The Robe". (the book, the movie is big time dorky)
In a wierd way, I also had a little crush on Cap Garland of the Little House books, which is pretty sick because he's way too young for me.
Strider, in the LOTR books is super cool and compelling, and has always reminded me of Dad.
I can't believe I'm telling this to my son!

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i used to feel a little strange about having crushes on animated animals , but I dont mind anymore. I have a crush on tramp, max from a goofy movie, the beast is so hot as the beast once he turns into a man hes not hot anymore. The disney robinhood fox I have crush on. I also have a cruzh on Jack from advetures in odessy. Speaking of that levi, I remember that ladys voice for some reason too. i didnt have crush on her but I can still hear the way she talked. As you canb see I have some strange crushes.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Oh geeze. Where to start?
I had a huge crush on Eddie from the Dark Tower series. He was so "needy" at the beginning and I loved his humor. Towards the end, his hero qualities even out shined the Gun slinger.

I think I've admitted to my crush on Moses from The Prince of Egypt and while I'm talking about cartoons--Victor from the Corpse Bride was very attractive.

In fact, Johnny Depp in just about every movie was a crush for me. I love Jack Sparrow and his character from What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

I'm in love with Wolverine. Not the guy who played him--Wolverine; metal nails and everything.

and while other girls had crushes on Danny Zuko from Grease, I was into his friend Kinickie.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really have the hots for princess fiona in shrek. that one is a little odd though, because she almost looked real, but... not. i always felt like i had crossed into the "weird" realm there. the other cartoon character i have always liked was daria (from that show the used to be on mtv called, um... "daria").

i know she isn't a fictional character, but do you recall recently disputing my claim that meg white of the white stripes "adorable?" well, i DARE you to watch the video to "my doorbell" and not think she's cute.

i always think it's really twisted that every crush roz listed is an animal.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Mom: I'm, frankly, stunned. I never would've guessed that you had a thing for Strider. ;-) I don't remember Cap Garland from Little House. I'll have to consult Suzanne on that one.

Roz: You remember that lady too!? Jeeze, she really made an impression on our family. Suzanne liked Max from The Goofy Movie too. Funny.

Sadie: Sadly, there weren't any characters in The Dark Tower for me to like (except for Suzannah, but I don't go for skitzo-parapalegics). Though I never had a thing for her, I'll admit that Moses' wife was very attractive. Wolverine, I've always admired in a affectionate sort of way. Kind-of how I feel about Barry Bonds, Tim Duncan or Brett Favre.

Walker: Fiona is an odd one. But one I totally understand. I wouldn't be able to get over the whole 50% monster thing. I'm shallow, I know.

I'll have to check out the video for My Doorbell.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always had a rather large crush on Augustus, AND Captain Call in Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove series. How I ask, can anyone who's ever read those books, not have a major crush on those guys?Lumier the candelabra from Beauty and the Beast is sorta sexy in a candelabra-sort-of-way. I did have a little crush on a certain christian radio talk show host, until your mother meanly showed me his face on the back of one of his books,(then it was over) and naturally, I too have a huge crush on Ricky Ricardo, and have passed it on to my daughter Sydney.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K., here goes. I think my biggest crush is on Gilbert Blithe from Anne of Green gables. The books and the movies. Some other bug crushes are Marcus from the Mark of the Lion books, Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid, Max from the Goofey Movie, Anthony Michael Hall, and I know it's odd, but Rick Morranis in Little Shop of Horrors. It's kind of funny that Levi has a crush on Dawn from the office because I got a crush on Tim. Boaz from the bible and Jim Elliot are some of my real life crushes. Oh, and I had the biggest crush on Corey from Boy meets world. Funny, he reminds me a lot of Levi as a kid. Sensitive, sweet, big hair. But out of all these crushes my biggest love will always be you babe. Love ya-Me

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, "big" crushes, not "bug" crushes. I haven't had any crushes on any bugs. "A Bug's Life" or "Ants" didn't do much for me.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Oh come on Suzanne--you know Flick was sporting a sexy thorax.

2:31 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

I loved Neverending Story, but when it came out, she was already too young for me. You are right on about Supergirl. It all depends on who drew here because she ran the entire range of hot to not.

Okay, mine is Jessica Rabbit. No, not just for her looks, but her loyalty to Roger Rabbit. She'd do anything for him. Also, she loved him because he made her laugh. How cool is that?

Eowyn is hot too. I listed the actress who played her as a hot babe before. so don't worry, she'll be safe in the compound when the zombies come. :)

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I just say that my sister married me into a family of freaks!!! Sadly, she is just as bad as all of you.

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh suzanee, Glibert is soo crushable. I dare any girl to read those books and not get a crush on him. Also Marcus so cute its almost ridiculous! And I would totally go for tim from the office . Good choices suzanne! except for rick morranis, Ive always kinda wonderd about that one....
walker, I was listing all my weird crushes, as you can see I have plenty of normal crushes too.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca, Freaks, maybe. But sorry to be the one to tell you that you fit in awesomely, so I suppose that makes you one as well. Ha. :)

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bugs Bunny wearing a dress and lipstick.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

tia me: I think I sort-of liked the girl from Lonsome Dove, but I forget her name. The one who got kidnapped by Blue Duck. *Ugh* I don't even like to think about it.

Suzanne (hon): I think your Rick Moranis crush takes the cake for weirdness. It's sweet though.

Zombie: This might sound wierd but I've never seen Roger Rabbit. I do know of Mrs. Rabbit though and she is a rather attractive cartoon character. I'll have to check out that movie.

Twisted 50s cartoon fan: Bugs Bunny is attractive for a transvestite rabbit.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levi, It was Laurie (or "Laurie darlin'") as Gus so sweetly referred to her. Diane Lane played her character in the movie, which Joe and I liked, though of course not nearly as much as the book. Your mom detested it however, as you likely are aware.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also always had a little thing for "Mr. Clean".

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, let me explain the Rick Morranis thing. If you haven't seen him in Little Shop of Horrors you couldn't understand. He was so sweet as Semore. He loved Audrey sooo much and when he sings to her about how wonderful she is and that she doesn't have to look like a tramp for him to like her, well I just love that part. And how much she loves him just ties it all together. I love when they dream about being married and having a family. She turns into a nice respectable girl and doesn't have to get beat up by Steve Martin anymore. Anyway, he is just so sweet and lovable. I however did not have a crush on him in Goastbusters or Honey I shrunk the Kids. Only in Little shop of Horrors. Some crushes I forgot were Ewan Mcgregor in Moulin Rouge and I had a huge crush on Mikie (Sean Austin) from the Goonies. OH!!! And John Cusak in Say Anything!! Big crush there.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Mom: I can see the "Mister Clean" thing...

Suzanne: It makes me feel good that I have Rick Morranis to compete with. It would stink if you had a crush on Fabio or something.

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Levi! You liked THE NEVER ENDING STORY???? That was the most stupidest movie! the whole time the kid is just yelling "FALCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" its so stupid!

7:49 PM  

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