Thursday, November 03, 2005

Three artists to check out - Folk to Rock to Metal

So the Kings lost again last night, but at least it wasn't the debacle that occurred the night before. In fact, once Bibby and Peja stop building brick houses I think we're going to have a team that's pretty dang scary. But in other news...

Folk: Derek Webb & Sandra Mccracken

Sandra, me and Derek

So about one week ago I had the pleasure of attending a concert featuring Derek Webb and his wife, Sandra Mccracken. I also managed to get my picture taken with them. Yes folks, that's me in the picture above. I've grown about 3 feet and gained about 150 pounds since you last saw me but don't be fooled.

The concert was great. It was all acoustic but kept me on the edge of my seat for the length of the show. Sandra (We're so close that I only need to use her first name) has a voice like an angel. I could've listened to her sing all night. Towards the end of her set Derek (me and D-man are on a first-name-basis too) came up to accompany her and they sounded especially beautiful together. One of the songs they sang together was "Trade my love", which has some very moving lyrics:

I will not sing songs
I will not speak words
I will stay with you
and all that you carry,
I will trade my love...
For all your fears

Take what you will from them but those words remind me of God's love for us. How he took all our fears, sin and shame and gave us his love. Think of the verse: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..."

Click here to listen to 'Trade my love' by Sandra Mccracken and Derek Webb

Rock: The Fray

I found these while surfing the radio and I was instantly caught by the lead singer's voice. It's not amazingly original but it's really got a lovely quality to it. The Fray have that Folk Rock thing going that works so well for The Counting Crows and The Gin Blossoms. They have some highly enjoyable music so check them out.

Click here to listen to 'Cable Car' by The Fray

Metal: Dream Theater

One day, I rode to lunch with a friend from work and he proceeded to crank the volume to nearly ear-splitting levels and played a 13-minute song by a band I'd never heard of called "Dream Theater". I was so impressed by the song (it was called "The Glass Prison") that I immediately rushed home to *ahem* download it.

The musicianship on this song will absolutely blow your mind. I don't think I've heard a band with each musician so wickedly talented. The song's pretty hardcore but I've got to share it. Zombieslayer and Zach I think you should really check this out.

Just in case your wondering, this song as about the drummer's battle with alcoholism.

Click here to listen to 'Glass Prison' by Dream Theater

Just for those who are still reading this, that wasn't really me in the first picture. *Ha ha, sniff* we had a laugh, didn't we? Here's a recent picture of yours truly to clear up any doubts. (I'm the guy on the left.)



Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Thanks for stopping by, Rexie. Dream Theater is pretty impressive.

10:29 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

What a pretty song, sung by a very pretty woman. Wish Mrs. Z could sing like that.

Your Dream Theatre link is a 404. :(

Love that last picture, by the way. You had me cracking up.

6:09 PM  
Blogger Udarnik said...

This has gone too far. Now the CIA is sending Sino-terror suspects to the Disneyland Reeducation Park? As T-Bone Burnett pointed out back in the 70's, that's sensory fascism!

8:22 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

I liked the first song--very nice! Like ZS said, I couldn't do the Dream Theater...
Levi, you have identity issues that I'm not prepared to deal with right now. I like how that last picture is taken at THE HAPPIEST PLACE on EARTH--you'd never know it.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Zombie: Mrs. Nunnink can't sing like that either. It was teenage fantasy of mine that I would marry a singer but that went by the wayside when I met my wife.

I've updated the Dream Theater link by the way. So you should be able to listen to it now.

Bo: I have no idea what that picutre is of. I found it by doing a googe search on Kim Jong. I have no idea if that's the crazy tyrant himself.

Sadie: Did you like The Fray? I thought they'd be up your alley. And please excuse my identity issues.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you son, for always enlightening and educating your old madre.

Sandra and Derek: I loved that concert, especially the low-key way they related to the audiance. I'm glad they're married, because both of their voices are beautiful alone, however, they sound best when dueting. You know how I am about women's vocals. They have to sound like a man before I like them. She's a cross between Amy Grant, (only rawer and prettier) and Sarah Mac. I wish you had put Derek on instead of her.

Fray: Cool song, great voice. He sounds almost like Coldplay, who I love. I'm sure he'll be compared to him a lot.

Dream whatever: I liked the dramatic opening, before it got all heavy-metally. For some reason, Metal always makes me want to laugh, it's so freakily overdone. (Sorry Zombie) I can see why men love it because it's all energy and ADDish.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

I missed the Fray's link. I REALLY liked that song. Don't you love when songs start out all slow and then open up into this soaring-type openess? Sorry to be all poetic but that's the best way I can descibe it--The Fray is right up my alley, thanks for drawing my attention to it.
Man, can you get our blog going so we can review this stuff?! Dude!

12:04 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

also, I don't agree with your mom's analysis of the lead singer sounding like Coldplay. The guy from Coldplay drifts in and out of his range a lot, that's his signiture thing--this guy from The Fray has a sturdy sound--very strong.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sadie, I can't remember my name right now, but I am the guy from Coldplay, you know, Gwyneth Paltrow's husband? Well, the guy from Fray DOES sound exactly like me. That Michele really knows her stuff.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

Are the Fray from Colorado?

I need to check them out - everyone says they are really good.

Nice informative post - Ben O.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Ben: Thanks for stopping by. I think that The Fray are from Colorado. I'd definately reccomend checking them out.

The Guy from Coldplay: Wow, I'm stunned and honored that you found this weblog. What's your name again?

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele. Her names Michele. Or better known to some as "mom" and "auntie schell."

7:12 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

How could you stoop so low?

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHA-WHA-WHAT? (Must be said Mark Bowlan style, completely shocked at an accusation.)

9:18 AM  
Blogger dbackdad said...

Dream Theater's great. I saw them in concert a few years back. Absolutely fantastic musicians. Another progressive rock band I've liked for quite awhile is King's X.

11:07 PM  
Blogger Udarnik said...


I'm sorry to engage in some blatant self-promotion, but I found a band you need to showcase on your blog.


6:13 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Where are you, Levi?

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, what do you think your doing? we miss you. Quite being so dang responsible.

4:19 PM  

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