Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Levi's Movie Awards - UDATED!

Thanks everyone who pointed out movies that I forgot or still need to watch. Keep the ideas coming!

So I was sick the past few days and did little but lay in bed, watch movies, eat Otter Pops and drink Orange Juice; not a bad way to pass the time.

It's odd because lately whenever I get a fever my gluteus maximus (AKA: my butt) becomes extremely sore and achey. I don't exactly know why but I picture my immune system saying to the fever: "Come, let us do battle on his butt!" And that's where the sickness is vanquished. I can't think of another reason that my butt would be so sore.


At the sugesstion of my mother, I thought it would be fun to list my favorite movies and most-overratted movies - kind of like the AMA's lists that put out every so often (Most Romantic, Best Drama, ETC.). If you feel like it, please list yours in reply.

  1. Crimes and Misdemeanors/Hannah and Her Sisters/Manhattan
    No one can make a better drama then Woody Allen at the top of his game.

  2. Magnolia
    PT Anderson's film is an amazingly Christian look at the consequences of sin.

  3. It's a Wonderful Life
    And on the opposite end of the film spectrum, another film that takes Christian look at the fruits of a Godly life.

  4. Vertigo
    Is there any actress more beautiful than Kim Novak in Vertigo? No one except for...

  5. Rear Window
    ...Grace Kelly in rear window.

  6. Les Miserables (Thanks, Mom)
    This has got to be the nerdiest Marius ever realized. Spritual truths abound here.

  7. Honorable Mention: What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Elephant Man, The Breakfast Club

  1. It Happened One Night
    I think every scene is this movie is perfect. There's so much sexual tension between Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable that you sympathize with his sort-of-a-jerk attitude throughout most of the film. I'd be a little rude under that kind of pressure.

  2. The Princess Bride
    Hey Julia! Can you live in a world where The Princess Bride doesn't have an Oscar, you fool?

  3. The Music Man
    I think I may have felt the first stirrings of young romance watching this movie. On a side note: What's the heck is that pretend-like-I'm-jumping-over-you thing that the young lovers do at the end as they frolic about. I still don't get that.

  4. Moulin Rouge
    After this movie was over, Suzanne leaned over and gave me a very meaningful kiss. I think that says enough.

  5. Far and Away
    More tension-filled romance. And lots of bare-knuckled boxing, which isn't romantic at all.

  6. Sense and Sensibility
    This is the story of a 1700s Denise Salisbury. I wish Hollywood would understand that restraint is Romantic. Two people hopping in the sack seconds after they meet, isn't.

  7. Roman Holiday
    Over the course of watching this, I developed a small crush for Audrey Hepburn. Weird.

  8. Honorable Mentions: White Christmas, Holiday Inn, It's a Wonderful Life, Road to Morocco


  1. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
    Is there anything better then Yoda's introduction, Han & Leia's tense relationship, Darth Vader rampaging and providing huge plot twists, Luke screaming "Noooooooooo" and Lando's weird laugh? No, there isn't. Don't try to tell me there is.

  2. Star Wars: A New Hope
    As an 8-year-old this movie was a revelation. I can remember reciting the entire script word-for-word in my backyard, just to spend time with the story. It resonated with the very fibers of my being and I still love it. *sniff*

  3. The Return Of The King
    Everyone in the world but Joe loves Lord Of The Rings. Especially The Return Of The King

  4. The Two Towers
    And everyone loves everything about the The Two Towers too - except for that androgynous Rohan kid, AKA: Haleth, son of Hama. Just because the other guys wear their hair like that doesn't make it right for you...

  5. The Princess Bride
    Honestly, The Princess Bride should be on every list but Best Documentary.

  6. Blade Runner
    "All those moments will be lost, like tears in the rain..." is, to me, the most poignant moment in cinema.

  7. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    This movie kicks Hero's sorry behind. The ending of the movie is stunningly perfect.

  8. Legend
    I'm alone on this one. But -- forgive me -- Mia Sara running through that field in the opening is too much to resist. The Tangerine Dream soundtrack deals the final blow and I'm in love.

  9. Signs/Unbreakable
    I can't decide which one I like more. They are both so good but for different reasons.

  10. Honorable Mentions: Raiders of the Lost Ark , Big Fish, The Neverending Story

  1. Saving Private Ryan
    You can tell a movie is good when everybody copies it. Think about it: After its release, have you seen a battle scene that didn't use some element from Saving Private Ryan? "Earn this." is such a convicting line. This movie blasts everything by Oliver Stone to pieces.

  2. Glory
    Why didn't this sweep the 1989 Oscars?

  3. Life Is Beautiful
    One of the most beautiful films I've ever seen.

  4. Amadeus
    I think this film says a lot about free will VS God's will.

  1. The Office: Season 2
    It's too bad that this is so dirty because I honestly think it's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

  2. The Road to Morocco
    Bob Hope and Bing Crosby in top form.

  3. Bullets Over Broadway/Manhattan Murder Mystery/Broadway Danny Rose/Annie Hall/Play It Again, Sam/Bananas/Take the Money and Run
    I think my muse looks something like Woody Allen.

  4. Raising Arizona/Fargo/The Big Lebowski/O Brother, Where Art Thou?/Intolerable Cruelty/The Ladykillers (Thanks, Mom)
    The Cohen Brothers don't always make films I like. But when they do, they're some of my favorites. I eagerly await their each new film.

  5. Napoleon Dynamite
    This may be a cliche, but this movie is hilarious.

  6. Waiting For Guffman
    I thought this was the best mockumentary until I saw The Office. Nonetheless, it is still hysterical.

  7. Bottle Rocket
    Dignan, Anthony and Bob have become like friends to me.

  8. As Good as It Gets
    This is an oddball; I'm not sure where to put it. But I knew that this was a great film when I was hoping that it wouldn't end. Best. Romantic Comedy. Ever.

  9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    I have to mention this movie on account that it is amazingly funny.

  10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off(Thanks, Sadie.)
    Can the 80s get any better. (The best decade for movies in my opinion.)

  11. The Pirates of Penzance (Thanks, Mom.)
    Few have seen this movie and of those that have only a few liked it. I guess I am one of the chosen few because I think this movie is a riot. Who can not laugh when the the entire chorus shouts the verses of, "SILENT AS CATS WE CREEP!" with cannons in the background.

  1. Beauty and the Beast
    Me, my dad, my mom and my sisters all loved this movie. This is Disney in it's prime. They didn't have Eddie Murphy and Rosie O'Donell doing the voices, they had real voice actors. The animation was beautiful to behold - before computer animation was driven into the ground. The heros and villians were multi-dimensional and real. Who can forget The Beast, Lumiere and Cogsworth and Gaston?

  2. The Little Mermaid
    I actually think the animation in this one is better than Beauty and the Beast but the rest loses out by a hair. This was the first in an amazing run by Disney.

  3. Toy Story 2
    A sequel that improves upon its predecessor. I wonder what Jack would be like without this movie. This is the film that made computer animation for me.

  4. The Incredibles
    Wow, a family movie that seems to understand families. Also the best superhero movie ever.

  5. Honorable Mention: Finding Nemo, The Wizard Of Oz, Toy Story, Spirited Away

I think that's about it. If you guys are going "why didn't he include this movie?" -- let me know.

My next post will list the most overrated movies of all time. Beware -- it may shock you.


Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Comprehensive list. *nodding my head; scratching my chin* You left off Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Eric Fassler and I claim that movie as our own, personal comedy written just for us, so it's just as well you didn't claim it as your own.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, graces my list for romantic movies as a newcomer.
let me see...
Honorable Mention: Breakfast Club in the Drama catagory? OH-KAAAAAY...was kinda more the comedy aspect that made it great. I was surprised Spirited Away made an honorable mention as well...interesting. I think the very first The Land Before Time would make my animated movie list, you can stomp on and burn all the sequels.
OH YEAH! A Christmas Story and Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss staring the world's funniest American Family are the best comedies EVER!! If you haven't seen either one, you should bump yourself down a few notches as a critic, SERIOUSLY--add that to the fact you haven't posted on MY blog in awhile makes you even lame-er.
Okay. You also forgot Stand By Me in the Drama section. Hell-oooo. Best Coming of Age Movie to DATE. Where is The Shawshank Redemption? Are there any Robert DeNiro movies on your list?? *looping my finger around and around my ear signifying you're crazy*
I'm excited and apprehensive about your overrated movie list. I might have to slap you around at church after you post it, so re-evaluate what's important to you. I forgot--Mad props for having Legend on your list. That movie is so choice.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Okay, Sadie. I'm adding Ferris Bueller's Day Off to the Comedy category. That one slipped my mind.

Hmmm. I love DeNiro but I can't think of a film of his that sits in my upper statosphere.

Undertard: I did include Big Fish in the fantasy category. I loved that film. And I did include some forgien films: Spirted Away, Croutching Tiger..., The Office, Life Is Beautiful.

Go easy on me. It's hard to sit down and think of all the movies you like in one post. Some were bound to be overlooked.

Is there anything else I missed?

8:43 AM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:43 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Robert DeNiro's best films:
* Sleepers
* Heat
* A Bronx Tale-- DeNiro plays this concerned dad whos teenage son is getting involved with the mob. Excellent cast. A must see.
* This Boy's Life--Leo's best movie as well; great coming of age story. DeNiro is like the poster boy for evil step-dads. Must rent, Levi!
* The Godfather Trilogy-- You HAVE seen the Godfathers right? It would explain your lack of Pacino movies too...
* The Untouchables--This movie should be in your "historic" catagory. Dan's favorite movie; or one of them
* Goodfellas--Best mob movie EVER
* Backdraft

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay i think you forgot one essential on your comedy list, and perhaps i will be burned at the stake for mentioning a film so juvenile, but...

where the heck is "dumb and dumber"?! i literally don't know if i have ever laughed as hard/non-stop than the first time i saw that movie. the farelly brothers present bathroom humour as a whole new genre.

also, sadie is right about "eternal sunshine."

"pulp fiction" should've been somewhere on that list.

however, the only part of this post that angered me was your comment about robert deniro films, when the "godfather part II" is one of the BEST MOVIES EVER MADE. the fact that i don't think you have even SEEN IT is scarier still.

later bro.

p.s. i forgot one more essential drama your forgot: TITANIC!! hello, what is wrong with you anyway!?

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my son, how could you forget:

The Apostle (Robert Duvall preaching with his reptilian eyes, lifting his hand and saying of his tent , "It's a mansion on a hilltop!" Then, warming to the sound of the expression, shouting it again. The preacher shaking the keys, working himself into a frenzy...nothing gets better than those scenes.)

Les Miserables (the power of showing mercy)

Signs (predestination presented so beautifully)

Awakenings (There's your best DiNiro film)

Elephant Man (Every teenager should be forced to watch this)

Hamlet with Mel Gibson

What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (Love your weird family(

Lady and the Tramp (There was never a sexier animal than Tramp. I still cry when Jock gets hit.)

LadyKillers (You can be simple,yet wise. God protects the faithful)

Oh, Brother Where Art Thou? (the music, the dialogue, the best)

Cabin in the Sky (another great spiritual, all black cast, awesome)

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Gangsters aren't insane, just scrappy fun guys)

The Phantom of the Opera

Another category you should tackle are movies that are fun to watch just because we hate the story and despise the characters so much. Topping this list, would, of course, be:

Dirty Dancing (Oh, my gosh, I still cringe when I remember the finale, when all the Dirty Dancers strut dirtily forward, their wanton expressions intense, and Baby does her idiotic jump into his arms. Auugh!)

The Buttercream Gang (or, as our family likes to call it, "The Bubble-Butt Gang" Was family-entertainment ever so nauseatingly delicious?)

Titanic (or the disgusting adventures of disgusting Jack and Rose. I still wish she'd drowned as well. Claire still likes to say randomly, quoting the 2,000 year old Rose, "It was the most erotic moment of my life.")

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more you overlooked, but it should perhaps be in the category, "Most overlooked films"
I Love You to Death (This movie is soooo funny, so original. The cast is golden, William Hurt, Tracy Ullman, River Pheonix, and the great Kevin Kline. Why doesn't this brilliant actor work more? He can do anything, sing, dance, comedy, and amazing drama. Gosh, remember him in Sophie's Choice? Check him out in Pirates of Penzance, as well.) ~Mom

12:32 PM  
Blogger Levi Nunnink said...

Wow, Aunt Marcia, except for 1 or 2 (What About Bob?) I haven't seen most of those movies. You're giving me some ideas for my movie night.

I like Best In Show but I think Guffman is the best.

I agree with you about the endings. Endings make or break movies.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

"however, the only part of this post that angered me was your comment about robert deniro films, when the "godfather part II" is one of the BEST MOVIES EVER MADE. the fact that i don't think you have even SEEN IT is scarier still. "~Walker

Amen little cuz, AMEN. I don't care if you don't like mafia movies. I don't care if you think they are so old and talked about it would be silly to waste your time--if you haven't seen these films ( Dan has not seen any of them *gasp* I know) then you are missing out on plain-old great filmmaking. Flat out.
Levi--I think you need a "Holiday Movie Catagory" as there are some good ones that can't really fit into other catagories. Say, The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a shame this movie is nowhere to be found on your list.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Dearest Joe: We haven't started our overrated movie debate. I refuse to get riled up until Levi posts. (Cold Mountain was SOOO bad and yes, overrated. You actually saw the English Patient? Ha Ha!)

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Joe. Jerry McGuire was overrated! Levi, you were so right about Saving Private being copied badly. Mel Gibson stole any thing that worked in Ryan for his lame We Were Soldiers. He ran the touching "death telegram delivery" into the ground, over and over. Even the guy who's face gets blown off is thrown in. To top it all off, the entire thing looks as if it's filmed in Western Gateway Park.
And, why was the unforgettable Glory panned at the Oscars? You should know, Halle Barry had not yet knocked down that door, so it was impossible.
Marcia, Calamity Jane should be on the list. I just learned ole Howard Keel died, by the way. ~Michele

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Wawa was right about Dumb and Dumber, but,( and I know I risk all your hatred, but I don't care,) wrong about the Godfather. They are like Star Wars in my book. I have spoken. ~Michele

4:47 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

"I have spoken. ~Michele"--Ha hahah! I love when Michele gets "huffy". Say what you will about The Godfather Trilogy, you ARE the minority. *snuff* Ahem: since Joe wants to perpetuate the overrated theme without a provoking post by Levi--I must join in. I have one to offer for your approval: Lost in Translation. How in the world this slow, sad, little film got put on such a pedastool(sp?), is beyond me. Bill Murray is such a fine actor (loved him in What About Bob, Marcia) but this film did nothing for me. The May-December romance was forced, the script was too stylish and the Tokyo backdrop can't save a movie. Please! I'm so tired of people who rush to it's defense because "Tokyo is COOL". Anyhoodles, don't forget that one when you do your list Levi. Oh yeah, and the ending was not awesome. I hate it when movies have a secret and they never let the audience in on it--it's just rude.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the godfather is like star wars, aunt michele? oh, so you mean AWESOME! listen i don't even want to digress into the whole star wars thing, becuase you are just wrong, and you will never be right no matter how many different ways you try to spin it.

however, as for the godfather trilogy, the problem is with you as the viewer, not the film. seriously, you can say, "mob movies aren't my thing," but you can't take a classic piece of cinema, and just say it's not good. in fact, just to make myself more clear, here's a list of what sucks about the godfather parts I and II:


see? i just couldn't be more right about this. (sadie? do i hear an amen?)

although i do agree with your taste in what movies are usually "good," i think you and tend to disagree on things i feel you critique without jsut cause. but i am enjoying this, so what the hey. levi really got a good thing going here.

levi, you should see The Graduate. i just saw it and it's very funny.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and woah, sadie. i strongly disagree with you about lost in translation. but i think it is the kind of movie you either love or hate.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, gentle nephew, who said I didn't like Mob movies, hmmm? The Untouchables was very good, I think. (It may not hold up today) The Godfather is just a bunch of evil men, strutting around, and I don't think they're even likable. I wasn't even sad when Al Pacino's wife got blown up because she, nor he had any personality. Oh, everyone thinks James Caan is so personable, what's his name, Sonny? But, just because someone is part of a family, and acts loyal, doesn't do it for me. I was sort-of, a teeny-weeny bit sad when Marlon Brando died, but just cus he reminded me of Papa. I had to really force that. Anyhoo.
Levi, how about calling upon all our genius to make a new list of not only overrated, but awkward moments in cinema, where a scene is so intense and personally done it embarrasses the viewer? Only our family might understand what this means, though. For ex: remember how you ran out of Funny Girl, where Barbera sings My Man, because the knowing, sly look on her face when she lifts it to the camera totally made you feel awkward? It would take your top-gun movie lovers to be able to identify these moments. I think we're all up to this total waste- of- time, shallow excercise. sp? Mom PS, Yes, Sadie, pedestal was spelled wrong, but I don't know how to spell it either.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Cousin Michael C.~ Amen, yo! but the amen is short lived due to this comment:
"and woah, sadie. i strongly disagree with you about lost in translation. but i think it is the kind of movie you either love or hate."-- You now are presented with a challenge: Give me two good reasons why you can LOVE this movie as opposed to hate it. I can see someone liking it a little bit, but love it? *cringe* in the same way you love The Godfather movies or Star Wars?? Perish the thought.
Michele-- it's going to take me a moment to think of an awkward seen that I can mention here and keep it G or PG rated. Actually, when you said "only your top-gun..." it reminded me of a scene in a Top Gun where Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis are 'making out' and you can see their tongues as they kiss passionately. I was maybe in Junior High when I saw that movie so it totally flipped me out. I DO think I left. Also, for you Pulp Fiction fans (I am one) I left the theater during one part because it was too intense and invasive. I actually felt embarrassed and couldn't watch out of...respect? Yeah.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, i think i am bored of discussing movie criticism with anyone in this family who's name is not levi nunnink.

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Sadie, not awkward because it's a sex-scene-awkward, awkward because it's over-acted, or just too- personal-and-and-the-character's-come-undone-or-something- I'll continue to work on this very specific genre tonight if you still don't get it. A movie buff of your calaber should be able to identify these screen moments with just a bit of tutoring.
Example: the closeup scene in "To Kill a Mockingbird" of the white trash girl's face when she's testifying in court and she breaks down and starts shouting the town down. Just a tad too much, and it embarrassed me. Great movie, except for that scene.
In the recent Ray: The upclose scene where he's in de-tox and in withdrawls. Too much. I was squirming.
Most of Remember the Titans.
Do you see what I'm getting at? I know Walker does, and we shall not allow him to throw in an awkward addition to the list, since he's trying to sound so bored of our imput. Walker not wanting to discuss movies... oh that'll be the day. He'll be on his death bed bringing up scenes, gasping..."Have you ever seen..." ~Michele

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I am the first to bring up this movie. The only movie that I can watch over and over again and never get bored. I think I have seen it at least 50 times. A movie that will always stand the test of time. Adventure, romance, comedy, a great soundtrack. I have two words for you. "The Goonies." -Suzanne

8:01 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

"hmmm, i think i am bored of discussing movie criticism with anyone in this family who's name is not levi nunnink." Oh sure Walker--I present you with a challenge and you fold. Your excuse of wanting to just talk to Levi doesn't hold water. You're afraid; that's okay. It's hard to come up with one reason you loved that movie, let alone two. *smug smile*
Suzanne~ How could we have forgot The Goonies? I actually have a special catagory in my favorites called: Childhood Favorites. I have The Goonies, Neverending Story, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, The Sandlot, etc.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sadie, sadie, sadie.

i gues that did sound like a cop out, but if you like i would be happy to discuss why i liked Lost In Translation with you sometime. i just didn't try to defend it here because a) i don't expect to convince you to like it, because one's taste is subjective, but b) that doesn't have to stop people like you and i from laughing at the likes of Godfather and Star Wars hating "critics."

also, the reason i left this forum (for a very brief amount of time obviously) is because every time i read a comment i disagree with i catch myself muttering, "fools. all of them. fools." i guess i am a "freak," as you would catigorize it, in that way (secretly hating all the other movie goers...)

zach, all i have to say about Eternal Sunshine is that i am sorry it doesn't meet the high standards that some of your favorite films do, such the Lizzie Maguire Movie or perhaps the Princess Diaries.

aunt michele, i laughed really hard at your comment about me on my death bed. ha! (i refuse the acronym of "LOL" so you shall recieve a hearty "ha!")

lastly--- levi, are you going to post your overrated list already? geez louise.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Walker~ this is why I am such a Walker-Fan. You and I are peas in a pod. PEAS in a POD! I repeated it with emphasis to make a point. You are a maturing Freak and someday you will be a full blown freak. That's okay because we are like-minded freaks; we can co=exsist in the same room. Zach on the other hand *whew* that boy has issues.
Levi-- I agree, get with the program will ya?! No silly exuses like family or work, okay? You also haven't indentified yourself as a Movie-Goer on my blog. How do you expect to live life with no Movie-Going Indentification? *sigh*
I'm going to have to send you a private rebuking.

8:39 AM  
Blogger SkiTheStars said...

Saving Private Ryan belongs in a category almost outside of movies in general. I saw it for the first time on a FULL sized screen with maxi sound, from dead center in the theater, in Corte Madera.

I was totally blown away.

Maybe it's because I spent a year in Germany, 1955-1956, as the 10 year old son of a Fullbright exchange prof, living in a suburb of Darmstadt, attending German schools, with no PX. My favorite play site was a rusted locomotive on a siding near the main line. You could see where it had been strafed, from the tender right through to the headlights, twin rows of holes, engineers probably died instantly from steam, if not the gun fire.

The movie made all the ghosts I'd seen the skeletons of and forgotten about for 44 years come to life as never before. And the bastard who came back to kill those who spared him, a real life lesson.

I'd add Zorba the Greek, Tom Jones, Doctor Strangelove, and Earth vs Flying Saucers + War of the Worlds.

11:20 PM  

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