Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lessons from the chaos...

For all its warts, the government really does protect us. Surprisingly enough, it protects us from ourselves. Look what happens when the rule of law disappears. People loot, fight and even attack at their only hope of help. Scary stuff.

For all of mankind's power we are nothing compared to nature. Just weeks ago, walking through San Francisco, I was just amazed that humans could build the things I saw: Huge bridges, skyscrapers, wharves, technology. The future is here, I remember oxymoronically thinking. Then to see an American city like New Orleans literally destroyed by nature... It's an ego check.

Terri Jones tries to cool fellow flood victim Dorthy Divic, 89, who was over heated and exausted at the convention center in New Orleans.

Just as it brings out worst, tragedy brings out the best in us. You can almost see good and evil battling in New Orleans. For every gang fight, robbery and assault there's a neighbor helping his neighbor. There's someone risking their life to save a stranger.

And for every tragedy there's some hack-philosopher piping up with his opinion. I'll shut up now and here's a link for everyone who wants to help their neighbor: And let's all keep the people of New Orleans and surrounding areas in our prayers.


Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Thanks Levi. I'm sure there were lots of stories of wondering people helping out each other, yet the media only likes to give us the bad. That last picture's a wonderful picture.

3:29 PM  

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