Thursday, December 30, 2004

Straylight Run: My new musical crush

If anyone's interested in an excellent band you must check out Straylight Run.

I've been unable to get Existentialism on Prom Night out of my head. I keep playing it over and over again... Someone help me!

This is the band I always wanted to be in.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Dark Tower is quite amazing

I just finished Wizard and Glass by Steven King the night before last at 1:00AM. I can't remember the last time I doomed myself to red eyes and coffee dependance for a book. But Wizard and Glass was that good. It demanded to be finished. Sleep had to wait.

My amazement over The Dark Tower series is growing as I finish each chapter. Steven King has created a vast universe full of charachters that are rich and heartbreaking. With each chapter he makes you feel the draw of The Dark Tower more and more until you'd volunteer to join Roland on his quest if he showed up on your doorstep.

Also growing with each chapter is my frustration. King is a great writer with a slightly perverse side. As the person who reccomended the series to me said, "Just don't think of me while you're reading some scenes." Now that my dear mother is going to start the series I can't help but feel the same way. "Hey Mom, what did you think of the rapist demon?" Hmm... Yeah...

I wish I could reccomend this series to everyone but... um... Just don't think of me while you're reading some scenes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

White Elephant Gift Exchange: Something America could do without

Whoever came up with the idea of white elephant gift exchanges has a special place in my personal infamy. Think about it, have you ever recieved anything good at a WEGE?

I useually end up with some old magazines, or an old board game, or a cheap photo album. In short, junk. And why should I be surprised?

Let's review the concept of a WEGE.
  • As Americans we have a lot of junk (mostly from previous WEGEs)
  • Junk that needs to be taken to the dump
  • Instead of paying the cash to dump it some ic guy decided to host a party where the junk is shoved off on to some other unfortunate soul
  • The cycle is perpetuated when the new owner of the junk brings it to another WEGE
  • This is fun
Let's ban WEGEs forever and start taking responsibility for our junk. Ethier that or I start bringing my old socks.